Saturday, February 27, 2016

Your body & brain on stress

We all know that stress isn't good for us, but do we know why?
I knew it was less than ideal to worry and fret about every little thing, but I didn't know how "less than ideal" it really was until I did some reading up on the subject.

There is so much information out there! Here's a small sample of what I have learned. (Disclaimer; Due to the complexities of all that goes on in the body and brain, I could have written signals sent and hormones released in the wrong order. Nevertheless, all this happens and more.)

First your brain:
It doesn't know the difference between a real or perceived threat (a lion chasing you, or the stress of your job)

Your brain will send signals to the adrenal glands, which releases the hormone adrenaline.
The Hypothalamus sends signals to your Pituitary gland, Cortisol is released.  Cortisol is really good when you're in danger because it keeps your blood sugar/pressure up so you can run... But really bad when it's "up" all the time.

The part of your brain used to "run away from the lion" is in the back. The part used for higher thinking, reasoning, emotion etc. is in the front. When you have chronic stress, you're always in the back part of your brain, so it's harder to remember things. You don't do well in school or at your job, and you have trouble with your relationships....which causes more stress!

Your Body:
When all the blood is sent to your extremities (so that you can run from that lion) it isn't where it should be... your organs. It isn't taking care of your digestion, liver or kidney function etc. which in turn can cause all kinds of illness. Add to that adrenal fatigue, and you have problems!
For too many people, this is a never ending cycle.

So what do we do about it?
We can try and think happy thoughts, but just saying that you are now going to adopt a "positive attitude" is easier said than done. It is very hard to stop all the busy thoughts going on in your brain unless you make a dedicated effort.

Meditation can stop the hamster wheel in your head and allow you to put things back into perspective. Meditation quiets your mind so that you can re-focus and rewire, make new connections, and dramatically improve your life!

If you are interested in learning more about meditation, read my posts on "why we should meditate" and "how to meditate"

There is so much to learn.
Click on the links below to read more about it!

Here's a fun little video that sums it all up.

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