Monday, January 18, 2016

What is "Chi"?

"Chi" is also known as Ki, Qi, or Gi. The really simple definition  of Chi is material energy, or the vital life force that flows through the body. Sometimes it is referred to as air or breath. It is believed to animate our physical body. I would call that our spirit.
Almost every ancient civilization held a similar understanding of this life force, but the most well known and recorded explanations are from India and China.

They didn't have the Gospel, or even a knowledge of Jesus Christ, but I believe they did have some portion of truth and understanding. They didn't know the nature of God as we do, but they did believe in what they called "source" or a divine creator, and always strived to become one with him through rising above the "Ego" or as we would call it, the "natural man."

There are many great articles on the subject that will go into more depth than I can... Some will go so far into depth that you will be totally confused! In my opinion, it's not that complicated. Everything has Chi. People, rocks, animals, the space around us...everything.

The study of Quantum Physics explains this in a more scientific way. One very interesting video explaining this is by Biologist Bruce Lipton. I Don't agree with all of his views, but he basically explains the link between science and spirit. If you have a couple of hours to kill, this is amazing! There are more condensed versions of his theories, but this one really spells it out. Science is finally starting to see how real this is. It kind of turns Darwin's theory of random genetics on it's head. You might want to break this down into a few smaller segments. I ate it up in one big gulp. But then again, I'm kind of a closet science nerd;-)

You might also be interested in this cool demo showing vibration "Chi" using tuning forks. It's really short.

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